LLSD Open Bids

Leipsic Local School District (LLSD)

Invitation for Bids – Snow Removal/Salting

Scope of Work:

  • LLSD is seeking bids for snow removal/salting services
    • See the attached map for an area of all areas that will require snow removal/salting - Map
      • Sidewalk salting is done by the LLSD maintenance department
    • Note:  The bus garage is located at the southwest corner of the District’s property and will require snow removal/salting services.
      • This area must be cleaned and ready for use prior to 6 am on days in which school is in session.
    • All parking lots must be cleaned and ready for use based on the following:
      • No school delays or cancellation:  Prior to 7:00 am
      • 2-hour school delay:  Prior to 9:00 am
      • 3-hour school delay:  Prior to 10:00 am
      • Closed:  Prior to 2:00 pm
  • The contractor will furnish an hourly rate for snow removal/salting services that will assume all costs to the vendor…use of equipment, labor, and fuel
    • LLSD should not be billed for any additional costs beyond the hourly rate to remove snow/salt
    • LLSD provides the salt that will be used by the contractor for treating parking lots/driveways... unless contractor can obtain salt at a cheaper , bulk rate
  • LLSD reserves the right to award the bid to the contractor that meets the overall operational needs of the district
  • The contractor should provide contact information to the Maintenance Supervisor in case additional snow removal is needed during school and evening hours
  • A schedule of all events will be provided for weekend snow removal/salting
    • The parking lots should be cleaned and ready for use 2 hours prior to the start of a weekend event.
      • Example 1:  Game starting at 1 pm…lots cleaned prior to 11 am
      • Example 2:  Game starting at 6 pm…lots cleaned prior to 4 pm
  • Billing invoices must be submitted at the end of each month, minimally
    • Invoices must include the date of service along with the start time and end time of the service
    • Example:  12/17/24    4:30 am-7:30 am     3.0 hours
        • 12/17/24  9:15 am-12:45 pm   3.5 hours


  • The contractor must maintain such personal injury and property damage liability insurance as necessary to protect themselves from claims arising out of the performance of any resulting contract.
  • By signing and submitting a bid under this solicitation, the bidder certifies that a certificate of insurance with the required coverage will be submitted before work commences


  • The contractor must assure that they have access to enough trucks, front end loaders, and plows to completely clear all drives, lots, and secondary areas throughout the winter season
    • This includes supplying their own salt spreader (salt provided by LLSD)*
  • If plowed snow piles get too high, the contractor will need to remove the accumulated piles
    • Every attempt should be made to preserve parking spaces

Submitting a Bid:

  • The approved bid must be guaranteed from November 1, 2024-October 31, 2025
  • Bids will be received until Friday, October 4, 2024 at 1:00 pm
  • Fill out and submit the Bid worksheet -  Bid Worksheet


All bids should be sent to:

Leipsic Local School District

Greg Williamson, Superintendent

232 Oak Street

Leipsic, OH  45856


LLSD reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole or in part

Questions regarding the bid should be directed to Derrick Schroeder, maintenance supervisor at 419-943-2165

Athletic Locations

Football ? - School Campus
Volleyball ?- School Campus 
Basketball ?- School Campus
Golf ⛳- Pike Run Golf Club  
Baseball ⚾ - Charlie Bennett Park 
Softball ?- Charlie Bennett Park
Track ?- Charlie Bennett Park
Pike Run Golf Club-  10807 Rd H, Ottawa, OH 45875

How to setup Progressbook Alerts

ProgressBook Alerts sends e-mail messages to a parent when a student is missing assignments or is getting low marks.  Progressbook is currently are sending the alerts every Friday afternoon. When you receive an e-mail, you can then log onto the Parent access site to view which assignments are missing or have low grades.

Just follow the steps below to subscribe:

1. Log in to the ProgressBook parent access site using the Parent credentials supplied to you. 

2. In the left column click on the "Alerts." under the Family Information section.

3. In the screen that comes up, each student is listed with two checkboxes next to their name. Check the options for the reports you would like to receive for each one. Then enter the e-mail address(es) to which you would like to receive alerts and click "Save."


Title IX

Title IX School Board Policy

School Board Policy 2266
Title IX Training

For incident reporting or to file a complaint:
Leipsic Schools Title IX Coordinator,
Darren Henry or Megan Tobe
419-943-2165 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, often referred to as Title IX, is a Federal civil rights law. Title IX, which began with a focus on discrimination and ensuring equity in sports, includes a major focus on prevention of and response to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

What is Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is any unwanted, non-consensual sexual contact against any individual by force (against a person's will) or when a person cannot give consent (under the age of consent, intoxicated, developmentally disabled, mentally/physically unable to consent, etc.).

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior or communication that is sexual in nature when:
A student or employee is led to believe that he or she must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communications in order to gain something in return, such as a grade, a promotion, a place on a sports team, or any educational or employment decision, or
The conduct substantially interferes with a student's educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile educational or employment environment.

Know Your Rights
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities.
All public and private elementary and secondary schools, school districts, colleges, and universities receiving any Federal funds must comply with Title IX.

For a statement describing the rights and responsibilities of victims of sexual harassment or those who are the subject of complaints, contact your Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Coordinator
The Leipsic School District's Title IX coordinator has knowledge of all Title IX requirements, the district's policies and procedures on sex discrimination, and of all complaints throughout the district that raise Title IX Issues. The Title IX coordinator's responsibilities include:
Tracking the district's response to reports and complaints of sexual harassment
Determining the appropriate response and remedial actions
Identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems revealed by such reports and complaints

Lunch Debt Procedure

Lunch Debt Procedure


It is the responsibility of the parents to provide for lunch for their children while at school. However, it is important to provide that children receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day. This procedure shall apply in the event that a child neither has a lunch nor the funds to purchase a lunch.

This guideline shall only apply to school lunches. No meal charges are permitted for breakfasts.

Any student (Grades K-12) may charge three (3) meals and three (3) alternative meals. An alternative meal consists of a cheese or peanut butter sandwich, fruit, and milk. The cost of the alternative meal shall be no less than one dollar. Students will not be permitted to charge ala carte items. 

A student's parents and Principal will be notified of the delinquency in the student's account each time it is necessary for the student to charge a meal to give the parents time to send a check or cash to school with their child to give to the Head Cook.

There shall be no lunch charges during the last two (2) weeks of each school year.

At the end of the school year, a student’s positive balance will follow them to the next school year. Refunds of a positive balance for students leaving the District or graduating may be issued by making a request to the Treasurer’s Office. Graduating seniors must have their negative balances paid before they are allowed to participate in commencement ceremonies and receipt of their high school transcripts and diploma.

Approved 3/20/25