Lunch Debt Procedure
It is the responsibility of the parents to provide for lunch for their children while at school. However, it is important to provide that children receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day. This procedure shall apply in the event that a child neither has a lunch nor the funds to purchase a lunch.
This guideline shall only apply to school lunches. No meal charges are permitted for breakfasts.
Any student (Grades K-12) may charge three (3) meals and three (3) alternative meals. An alternative meal consists of a cheese or peanut butter sandwich, fruit, and milk. The cost of the alternative meal shall be no less than one dollar. Students will not be permitted to charge ala carte items. Prior to meal service the student will be given a note to let the student know they will be receiving an alternative lunch and to allow them to attempt to contact their parent one (1) more time. This will eliminate any surprises on the child's part and provide the parent with one (1) more opportunity to pay the student's charge balance. A child will be sent to the principal for assistance after the sixth charge.
A student's parents and Principal will be notified of the delinquency in the student's account each time it is necessary for the student to charge a meal to give the parents time to send a check or cash to school with their child to give to the Head Cook.
There shall be no lunch charges during the last two (2) weeks of each school year.
At the end of the school year, a student’s positive balance will follow them to the next school year. Refunds of a positive balance for students leaving the District or graduating may be issued by making a request to the Treasurer’s Office. Graduating seniors must have their negative balances paid before they are allowed to participate in commencement ceremonies and receipt of their high school transcripts and diploma.
Approved 3/27/17